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Life is too Flat if You Only Stay in Your Sweet Home

        Well, today I would like to tell you about my dilemma before I went to Thailand for my teaching practice, let me introduce myself first. I am Antonius Gita Adetian, I was born in Negara city on December 3rd, 1997. I am Student of English Language Education in Ganesha University of Education which well known as UNDIKSHA school year 2015. I was an ordinary student who always stays in my comfort zone. Many good chances which were offered to me such as students exchange program, any kinds of volunteer, English competitions, etc. were ignored by me, I prefer to stay in my comfort zone and enjoy my ordinary days. At that time, I thought that my home is the best place ever. Until one day, I was bored and just staring at the ceiling in my home, I said to myself "I think my life is too flat, just wake up, eat, go to campus, back home, eat, sleep, and starts with wake up again. I need something new in my life". Then in the morning, one of the staff in my department told me that there is recruitment for Overseas Teaching Practice Program for 1 month. Okay, I submit my biodata and follow the test and the interview without expecting that I will be accepted.
        A few days later, I got news that there is an announcement about those who accepted to join the program, unexpectedly I saw my name there, and it is just like "Oh my God!, what should I do?" I was confused, should I happy being accepted? or should I worried about being accepted in this overseas teaching practice program, because it will make my proposal submission delayed, and the worst thing is my friends will leave me, they could start their seminar proposal on January or March, while my seminar proposal will be left behind, maybe on April or June. On the other side, being accepted to join in this overseas teaching practice program means I will go to another country, meet new people, new culture, and new experience in my life. That was confused me a lot. Then, I ask my dad "Dad, should I take the overseas teaching practice program maybe in Thailand, Vietnam or Philiphine with consequence my proposal submission delayed? and you have to prepare some money, or just follow the regular teaching practice in Indonesia?" He said "Be brave my son, take the risk because there is nothing can substitute experience. Experience is more expensive than money, besides, your proposal submission does not determine your success. Albert Einstein said the only source of knowledge is experience" That was motivated me a lot, and finally I decide to take the risk and went to Thailand, to Prince of Songkla University in Surat Thani Province.
        I do remember that people said "Experience is the best teacher" and I already prove it. Even though my proposal submission was delayed due to joining the overseas teaching practice program for 1 month, there are many things that I got from my teaching practice which is my friend cannot get in Indonesia, such as meet new people, new friends, new culture, new experiences, new international partnership, and many more that I could not mention one by one. I just want to remind you whoever read my blog's post, your life is too flat if you only stay in your sweet home.
Be brave and take the risk, nothing can substitute experience


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