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Summary and Sugestions After Conducting Teaching Practicum

*Classroom situation during guided teaching

Purpose of Practicum

The purposes of Overseas Teaching Practicum Program by Ganesha University of Education are to give student teacher an experience of overseas teaching practicum and learn something new that might can be implemented in Indonesian classroom. Besides, Overseas Teaching Practicum Program purposes are to improve the development of Teaching Practicum Program, improving international partnership between Undiksha and receiving University, and to improve the grade and quality of student teacher from Ganesha University of Education so they will have a broader international insight and have a modal to compete in international field.

Procedure of Practicum

There are some procedures before conducting the real teaching practicum in PSU. Wittayanusorn Suratthani School. In the first week, student teacher are gathered by the staff of Prince of Songkla University as the receiving university to meet with the supervising teacher, each student teacher has their own supervising teacher. In the next day, student teacher meet with their own supervising teacher to talk and discuss about the schedule of teaching and students' background in the classroom in order to know the characteristics of students in PSU. Wittayanusorn Suratthani School. Next, student teacher are required to do an observation towards the teacher in teaching the students as a teaching model, in same time also for knowing the teaching and learning situations in the class before starts to conducting the teaching practicum. After the observation was done, the student teacher starts doing the guided teaching practicum for 1 week. During the guided teaching practicum, student teacher conducting the teaching practicum with the guidance from the supervising teacher, supervising teacher give critics and comments towards student teacher in order to be better in teaching. After that, the student teacher is allowed to teach without the guidance from the supervising teacher until the end of the teaching practicum.

Outcomes of Practicum

Overseas Teaching Practicum Program outcomes are vary. For instance is the grade and quality of student teacher from Ganesha University of Education is improved. They can solve problems faced during conducting the teaching practicum by implementing what they have learned in the University as a solution from their problem, not only using theory, student teacher also use their creativity in order to get in touch with the students who have different characteristics and culture with Indonesian students. They also shows that the language use is not a big problem to teach foreign language learners, Undiksha's student teacher required to use their extra effort to teach Thai students in which they student teacher cannot use Bahasa Indonesia in delivering the material.

The Challenges of Practicum

The challenges during the teaching practicum is vary, starts from the students' behavior, the language use, and the challenges given by the supervising teacher. From the students' behavior, some students seems bored to learn and often too busy with their mobile phone inside the class. They are allowed to bring their own mobile phone, so it is a common view when there are students using their mobile phone inside the classroom, but student teacher have a solution for this challenge that is using Kahoot! application to teach them. Kahoot! require students to use their mobile phone access the link given in order to answer the quizzes given and directly will get score, so students have no chance to use their mobile phone for another purposes outside the learning context, this also makes students use their mobile phone in more academic purpose. The language use also become a new challenge for student teacher in PSU. Wittayanusorn Suratthani School. The challenge begin when there are some students who does not understand the material because they do not knowing the meaning of some English vocabulary, so student teacher have should use extra effort to deliver the material by using the easier words and using gesture or picture to refers the meaning of some vocabularies and sometimes using google translate, if there are still confusion, the student teacher will ask help for the clever students to explain the material using Thai language to their friends who still confuse, of course those clever students will get bonus point as a positive reinforcement. The last challenge is com from the supervising teacher. After they know that student teacher from Undiksha only have 1 month to conduct the teaching practicum, she ask the student teacher to handle more classes and more teaching weight in order to get a better experience in conducting the teaching practicum, so student teacher should teach 17x times in a week. This the most challenging teaching practicum ever, and the good point is all student teacher could finish their teaching practicum well.

Overall Impression

Overall impression about the teaching practicum is awesome. No matter there are many challenges that faced by the student teacher, they still able to finish their teaching practicum well and get good score from their supervising teacher. This shows that Indonesian student teacher have a good quality even though it was their first time to conduct a teaching practicum, well done.

Suggestion for Future Improvement

Suggestion for the future improvement of overseas teaching practicum program is the time allotment. Student teacher only have limited time to conduct the teaching practicum, that is 1 month. It is not enough for student teacher to get the deeper experience in overseas teaching practicum, even the head master of PSU. Wittayanusorn Suratthani School said "1 month is not enough for you, you need at least 2 or 3 month to know how is this school" regarding with this, the appropriate suggestion for the future improvement is student teacher need a longer teaching practicum time.
Pasek (left), Teacher Becca (number 2 from left), Gita (number 2 from right), Teacher Wani (right)
